Why Going to University After Highschool Is Important
Graduating high school is a major milestone in life. It is also the time when you have to decide on one of the most important life decisions. You can start your adult life and instantly join the workforce, or you can continue your education for a few more years. While both options may seem appealing, going to university will provide a lot more benefits later in life.
Let’s dive into some of the facts of going to college after high school.
Make More Money
Getting a degree from a respected university will set you up to make a lot more money than joining the workforce after high school. There are a number of high-paying careers that are only available to those with secondary education. While it is still possible to find a lucrative career with only a high school education, it is simply much easier to achieve the same goals with a college degree and it gives you the opportunity to make more money than you would’ve if you didn’t get a college education.
Extra Employee Benefits
In addition to making more money, you are also far more likely to find a job with amazing employee benefits if you have a college degree. This goes far beyond finding a job that provides paid vacation and health insurance. Retirement plans with employer contributions, flexible work schedules, and student loan payment assistance are just a few of the amazing benefits that you likely will not find at jobs that only require a high school education.
Improved Job Satisfaction
You can study just about anything you desire at a university. You can then use this knowledge to get your dream job. If you are working in a field that you have always enjoyed, then you are bound to love your job. It is simply much harder to find a job that you love without going to college. Jobs in the most desirable fields are hard to get, so you need a degree to separate yourself from everyone else.
Improved Job Security
The goal with every job is to be as irreplaceable as possible to have ultimate job security. This is much easier to accomplish when you have more skills and knowledge than others in the same field. The best way to acquire this knowledge is by continuing your education. If your job only requires a high school education, then you can be replaced at any moment.
Online Education
If you don’t want to go through all of the hassles of moving to student housing, there is always an option to take courses in the comfort of your home. From the International School Of the Word to Harvard, there are a ton of different classes, courses, and majors made available to you. Your degrees or education won’t be looked down upon from jobs if you graduated online because a college education or degree is still valid from either school or home. In some cases, the classes, courses, and majors can be completed faster at home than at school.
Social Life
You may be viewing college as too much homework and no free time. That can be true for some majors, but to most people, the first couple of years are usually not super stressful because most classes for freshmen are pretty easygoing, and focus a lot on the social aspect.
College is a great way to improve social skills, feel wanted, and make life-lasting friends. This is because there’s always either a party going on or a social meet-up that’s happening in town that pushes you to make that social interaction.
Living in student housing will drive you and your roommates to go out and plan activities, either going hiking, playing sports and games, going out on group dates, etc. For the first year or so, college is an experience not to take for granted. Later in life, you’ll look back on college and remember all of the fun experiences you had in classes, at events, and with friends, which will push you to encourage others to take the same educational route you did.
Set Yourself Up for Success
Everyone wants to live the best life possible. While there are many different ways to achieve happiness, it usually comes from having a high-paying job that you love. You can make a lot of money with a high school diploma, but you can always make more if you have degrees and a college education. Set yourself up for success by continuing your education at a university after graduating high school.