Uses Of Innovative Technologies In The Education
Technology is the reason behind our every efficiency in any work despite the field. As we are moving further in the 21st century, technology especially the innovative one has become a part of everyone’s life. One of the most common examples of the transformation from manual to digital is the textbooks turned into tablets and Google, Wikipedia in the place of the libraries. Moreover, the teachers are also enjoying the liberty of keeping connected with the students from the social media platforms. That is why the educators are also emphasizing on using the innovative technologies as much as possible. According to an independent study and many other studies and researches like that, the 75% educators of almost every discipline think that using technologies in the classroom creates many positive impacts and also prepares the students to get used to of using technologies in life so they doesn’t trouble when they complete their school and join the workforce.
The numerous effects of the different innovative technologies over our education are quite significant and impossible to summarize in the one written article. However, after many discussions with the educators and researching with the students, I have compiled some of the points of educational technologies in this articles which are creating the most effects on our education system.
Prepares Students For Future:
Because the world is getting digitalize with every passing year, there is no doubt that the students of this era have to do every job on the digital platforms. This makes educational technologies imperative. However, the best part about it that the students know this and that’s why in my research with them, I discover that 9 out of 10 students believe educational training is their way to go for the future challenges. The needs to sustain in this era are different, and most of them are out of the textbooks too. That is why it is important to have a good command of many professional tools before even getting an entry in the office life. The command which is required to survive in the professional life can only be achieved by exposing yourself from it for the longer period. That is where schools and colleges are helping students by creating tool based assignments and making them able to run the tools which everyone or particular to that field have to run in the future.
Build Remembrance:
Do you know why the teachers always ask a PowerPoint presentation from the students instead of a simple document? Because the teachers and instructors know that compiling everything on the slides of the PowerPoint build remembrance of the topic. They also order their students to create a ppt format presentations and reports. It improves the retention rate and helps the student to remember something for years. This is how just using a small innovative technical tool like PowerPoint can help a student in achieving that point of retention level where he or she can remember the things even after his school or college.
In my research from the students of different countries, I have found 8 out of 10 students who agrees that giving a researched topic digital form (especially PowerPoint slides) helps them to remember the topics for the longer period. This level of retention cannot achieve just by writing down the things. This is how much technology has created his impact on our educational ways.
Giving Leverages To Students:
Technology is all about providing different ways to perform any job which means that it gives a leverage of having multiple options. The more innovative and creative the technology get, the more options you will have to do any task. This is where it is also leveraging the students. The internet is becoming the only source of education for many people day by day which can be observed by the increase in enrolment rate of online colleges and universities. The scale of my research also covered the online college students and they gave me some interesting information about the online education system. The online education doesn’t demand to attend classes in early morning or in the evening which are mostly the time of earning some bucks for living. These online colleges also provide all the relevant data in the forms of videos, tutorials, audios, images and almost every other form of digital communication. This is providing a great leverage to every student to maintain their own pace of learning by choosing a suitable time for it. That is why 7 out of 10 students from my research were aiming to pursue their future educational career with online colleges so they can learn whenever they want, wherever they want.
Connecting The Students:
Social media websites are the most innovative use of technology. It has the power of connecting people from the different continents. But the students are using it in the best way. In my research, I found the students who are friends with the students of their same academic field but from the different countries and discussed their topics with them to fetch better ideas. This not only helps them to bring innovative ideas but also help them to know about the developments happening in the different parts of the world. Social media is not only reducing the gaps in the nations it is also reducing the gaps between the knowledge and the seeker. Because of the connections of the students through social media platforms, a student can know about numerous competitions of international level happening anywhere in the world. This how the trend of Model United Nation (MUN) started from the America and now is a normal annual practice all over the world.
Math Practice Has Become Fun:
Those times are gone when every 5th or 6th grade start complaining about the math word problems and other math numerical which are hard to command without practicing them hard. But the technology also provided us an alternate of this. Smartphones are now doing more than what are computers can do. These smartphones and the numerous apps in it are bridging the gaps between the problems and their solutions. These apps are mending the ways for the students too. There are many apps available on different app stores that not only teaches you the formulas and their applications in math but also work as a full-time instructor by making you to take its test in order to learn more. Moreover, the mechanism, design and functionalities of such apps are so interesting that you would not even realize that you are solving the math problems through an app. These apps not only help you to learn all about the math problem but also helps you to take a thorough command on the math and its branches.
Developing the norms of Teaching:
Technology in education is not only beneficial for the students, but it is also making the lives of the teachers easy. Those days are gone when the teachers used to write paragraphs on the board with the chalks or markers. Now teachers are more inclined towards the digital presentations and showing explanatory videos in the classrooms to make better understanding of the topic among the students. Those hours of lectures have cut down to the minutes because a lot of the talking has been reduced by the help of the tutorials. These audio-visual presentations allowing the teachers to show the exact use of all the things that they are learning in the classroom.
Enjoying The Learning:
This is the biggest of the all impact of technology on education. The intent that every student was losing in the education came back just because of the inclusion of the innovative technologies in the education. Students are now more interested and enjoy learning and getting high education. The use of computer and internet just eased out every hurdle that the students of previous centuries were facing. Either it is doing research for the project or finding the information about the new developments in the world. Technology has just squeezed in every bit of information on the fingertips of the students.
Final Words:
All the developments that we had seen till now have changed the entire scenario of our education system. Saying it as the easiest time to get education would be the same like saying that we are living in the most advanced era and it cannot be developed further. However, it is important to keep the use of technology in the education in limits or else the students can find the wrong ways to fill their education needs which can get them the marks but not the knowledge which education meant for.
If you have any queries about my research or want to add anything more in my article, our comment box is open for all sort of comments. Do give your feedback below and I will try to hit you back as soon as possible.
Author Bio:
Bramwell Osula after his Masters in Education Management from the University of Hertfordshire is writing research papers for numerous online education website and has a big name in essay writers UK due to his success in online videos and tutorials.