The Importance Of Physical and Intellectual Education For Very Young Children
A good ending often requires a good beginning. This also applies to people and when it comes to young children, it is important for us to prioritize their education. All life experiences and learning are moulded by things that happen to children. Family also has major influences in their lives, especially because they require the educational opportunities. Education could determine the attitude of children, especially before they are at primary and secondary levels. The world today is often considered as a troubled place, so it is better for children to prepare themselves. There are development areas that teachers need to focus on when they are handling small children. Physical developments are among the easiest to observe and understand. Teachers should prioritize on motor coordination, motor control, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and any kind of kinaesthetic feedback.
Gross motor skills are often associated with the movements of arms, trunk, legs and other large muscles. Fine motor skills determine the movements, of hands, fingers and other small muscles. So, motor control is about moving muscles, large or small. Teachers should be able to instruct children in how to perform motor coordination that is the ability to move muscles in a fluid and smooth motion. With proper kinaesthetic feedback, our body direct inputs from the external environment to the muscles, so we can accurately determine our position and posture in 3D space. There are different ways teachers could provide instructions on how to accurately improve motor skills and coordination. It is also essential for teachers to improve intellectual developments and this should be related to the intelligence level of children.
Teachers should be able to provide instructions on how to improve intellectual skills. Verbal skills can be enhanced by providing ways for very young children to communicate with words their emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and ideas. Non-verbal skills can be improved if children can use spatial perceptual and visual skills to better interpret the world around them. Children also need to have ideal attention spam, so they can sustain focus on any stimulus for an adequate period of time to understand and interpret it. Children need to be taught concentration skill, so they analyze stimuli accurately at any given time. Visual motor skills should help children to coordinate the movements of their hands and eyes to manipulate any object effectively. With visual perception skills, it should be easy for children to visually analyze stimuli in any condition.
Intellectual development is also based on memory performance and it can be based on visual or auditory inputs. Kinaesthetic inputs could also induce information retention, as an example, they allow us to remember dance steps. Teachers should focus on different areas of memory development. Children should be able to have immediate recall memory that allows them to recall newly recorded information straight away. Short-term memory is something that they can hold after a few hours. Long-term memory is also essential, because they need to record information for years.