The Best Education For Your Child
The second most important decision for a parent to make is the choice of school, the first being to have the child in the first place. A child’s education is critical, it will formulate their future, and if the right academic foundation is laid, the person can go on to reach their full potential, whatever that might be.
How to choose?
It isn’t easy selecting a school, especially with so many excellent learning institutions to choose from, so before making that decision, here are a few points to consider. A parent might want to find a good Kindergarten school in Sydney, or perhaps is looking for the best high schools in Perth, whatever the age group, a child needs the right learning environment.
The early years
Sometimes referred to as the formative years, the first five years of a child’s existence will determine many of their attributes, so for this reason, the right start is essential. Look for a school that has a definite focus. Most will have a vision or mission statement, which clarifies the intended direction the school plans to take. Talk to the Principal and the teachers, and ask them questions about the daily activities, and their own personal opinions on best education practices.
Experience the learning environment
Take a tour of any prospective school, and spend some time looking at the classroom environment. This is where the learning takes place, so it is critical to observe the setting. There should be examples of student work on the walls, alongside learning resources, and the room should have a lively feel to it. The children should be happy, and encouraged to interact with others. Studies have shown that children learn best in a hands-on way, so look for a school that follows a learner centered approach, with the teacher as more of a facilitator than an instructor.
A happy learner
This is a tell-tale sign of a well-balanced curriculum, so perhaps one need not grill the Principal too much, or quiz the teachers about methodology, rather just look at the faces of the students as they arrive at school in the morning. A stream of smiling faces equals a happy learning environment, something essential if the students are going to reach their potential.
Talk to other parents
This is the best way to get an honest appraisal of the school, so try to connect with a group of mothers or fathers and get to know them, and before long, one will have a better understanding of the school.
Senior schools
Once a child has made his or her way through junior school, the transition to senior grades should be a smooth one. Often, a student will change schools at this point, so many parents must make this selection eventually. If a parent is looking for the best high schools in Perth, there are established learning institutions that deliver high quality education. The senior experience is more academic, having developed creativity and imagination through the previous levels, it is time to delve deeper into each individual subject.
Choosing the right school is not such a daunting task, if one considers the above points. If a child receives the right coaching, he or she could go on to achieve great things.