Highest Paying Jobs That You Can Get With The IT Certification Course
It is normal in other sectors of the employment and job to get a good position without any certification but if you are in the fields like medicine, teaching, and most importantly in the IT sector then getting certificate for your course can lead you to another level of benefits in your job and can even also get you a good salary.
This kind of computer courses or certification program helps you to get a validation of your skills and knowledge that can turn you to get a best paying job in your profession. The best way to get a high paying job in the industry is to have your skill enhanced and it does not matter whether you work for a small enterprise or a corporate giant having the certification helps you in every mater.
When it comes to IT (information technology) sector having a certification helps you to in getting a better job which will in turn provide you a better salary. In order to help you through the quest of finding not only a better but also a high paying job we have brought you list of five best paying job with a certification courses.
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA):- Having a certification in CCNA is for entry level network engineers. In India you will get pay package of approximately 5 to 15 lakhs per annum that is also depending on your experience and the country you are working for.
- Microsoft Verified System Associate (MVSA):- This is one of the best certification program hiring managers that one should look out for. This industry gives you a payment of 7 to 12 lakhs per annum in India.
- COMPITA Security+:- This field covers the foundational principles for securing a network or network security, identity management, cryptography and many other things. Depending on your experience and your current job profile you can easily make a salary of 6 to 12 lakhs per annum in India.
- IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL):- It involves skills in management positions in IT industry and also assist the developers to develop a framework for IT managements. From this job you can easily earn an amount of 4 to 7 lakhs per annum in India.
- Ethical Hacker Certification:- This certification allows you to get a professional certification for the ethical hacking prospective. In India having an ethical hacking certification helps you to get a salary of 4 to 7 lakhs per annum.
The above mentioned jobs that are present in the IT sector give you the opportunity of getting a better job along with a better salary with a certification course.