5 Tech Tools To Help Students Overcome The Skills Gap
No matter how we look at it, the skills gap is a growing issue within the post-education world.
As students are graduating, many are not equipped with the skills needed to gain entry-level positions within the workforce. This issue has been especially apparent within the engineering and healthcare fields. Yet, according to US News, this issue has even spread to electrician and plumbing jobs in the recent years.
“Organisations have often reported their frustration about the lack of skilled candidates posing a real threat to future business growth,” says Nick Deligiannis, Managing Director of Hays in Australia.
“Whether it is the shortage of skilled recruits at entry level, the growing need for specialist knowledge, or the demand for global skills exceeding supply, few organisations are immune to this serious challenge to long term economic growth and sustainability…”
“In addition, employers complain that young people are leaving higher and further education with academic qualifications, but with a lack of basic workplace skills such as team working, communication, initiative and punctuality. Rather than waiting for a government-led solution, companies are tackling the issue themselves.”
It is no doubt that this is a growing epidemic that is causing much disruption within the business world – and worse – our student’s futures.
But what can the Education World do to help these Students?
It is vital for education professionals to teach real-life skills to students, prior to graduation. Basic skills, such as critical thinking, adaptability, and motivation are vastly important in today’s job market. Employers are searching for innovators, not workers.
Thankfully, technology is here to help.
There are a handful of technological tools available in today’s world, and it is important for teachers to utilize these. These tools have helped teachers and counselors make the most out of their programs. I wanted to highlight five tech tools that education professionals can use in order to make the most out of their student’s potential as they progress into the job market.
1. GoReact
Go react is an online presentation tool that can work wonders in the education world. Teachers can task students to create presentations and slideshows online, where their peers can then give their feedback of the presentation in real time.
This allows students to become much more self-aware when it comes to presenting themselves. This can go very far in the working world, as interviews and negotiating job offers call for these types of skills.
2. Ning
Ning allows teacher to put together their own personalized social network. Having this type of network can showcase the importance of social media and personal branding in today’s internet-driven world. Furthermore, this can open up many discussions among students who may have not been participating before.
3. FunBrain
FunBrain offers an incredible amount of educational games and reading resources for students of all ages. As we know, gamification has worked its way into classrooms across the world, because students respond well to learning through the use of video games.
This can significantly bolster the efforts made by teachers when portraying new ideas and learning within the classroom. Remember, video games can also boost critical thinking and decision making skills.
4. Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an online organization that offers both students and teachers the ability to learn and teach new skills at their own pace. Covering topics from general algebra to space exploration, Khan Academy is a fantastic resource for finding the necessary on-the-job skills necessary for just about any career.
5. ePals
ePals is a student resource that allows students to connect with other students and educators around the world. This has helped students gain support on a plethora of topics throughout their education.
Tools like this can show students the importance of online communication in order to further their education, and start their careers on the right track.